Who is Josh Cranfill you say…

Josh 2008

I take it that if you have come by my blog, you in fact, already know me and most of my story.

For those of you that don’t know me, I will give you some background information. At 14 months old, my parents noticed that I was no longer pulling up and rolling over as I had been doing. As concerned parents, they took me to numerous doctors and after tests, I was diagnosed with Werdnig-Hoffman, which is a form of Spinal Muscular Atrophy and what the world knows as Muscular Dystrophy. As all parents would, they were overwhelmed of the news and were devastated when doctors gave me until 18 months to live. Obviously I made it past my doctor’s expectations!

Early on in my life my parents made it clear that my disability would never affect my mind and that they would not treat me any different than anyone else. Just because I was in an electric wheelchair did not mean I couldn’t be a respectable, well-honored individual in society.

Now 25, after graduating from high school and college, I see my disability as a gift because it has allowed me to experience many things and made me look at life in a way that most take for granted. Hopefully through my stories, life experiences (both good and bad), and something I like to call wisdom-words, you can take from it something that you have learned about yourself or something that will get you through a trying time.


~ by jcranfill on October 2, 2009.

7 Responses to “Who is Josh Cranfill you say…”

  1. Ugh.. I didn’t see this on your post earlier (so I could comment)! I can’t wait to start reading about your life. I bet you get this published one day, then I can say I knew you before you were famous!!!

  2. I can’t wait to ready more! Thanks for sharing you life with us. You give me so much hope for Emma! You have an amazing mom too!

  3. I just think you have hung the moon. Love reading everything you write about.

  4. Josh, I really enjoyed sitting w/ you @ The Focus Group yesterday and hearing you speak–you really have a message that needs to be heard. I’m truly honored to know you & call you my FRIEND!!
    The world is a better place because you’re in it!!
    (And, I too think you ought to be published–what a gift you have)

  5. I am so proud of you and the way you look at life as a precious gift.
    Max loved you and he would be so proud of you.
    Keep up the good work.

  6. Did you go to western alamance?

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