Realization of Reality

I, as well as most us, often wonder why we are who we are. Some people are nurses, teachers, musicians, and artists while others are drug dealers, druggies, prostitutes, and those that live a life of destruction. Why is this? I believe that this game we call life is that of a huge roadmap, that of which you can go east or west, and north or south. No matter what direction we go, it is relative on the Realization of Reality of who we are.

For me, it took several years to grip who I really was. Why was I the one to be handicap? Why was I the one to be in a wheelchair? Why was I the one that has to depend on others for 95% of my needs? All the questions I asked at a young age. When I was about 17, that roadmap of life was placed in front of me and I had to realize the reality of who I was. I realized that I had a purpose, a responsibility, and a job to do to be the best that I could be. I came to terms that I was who I was because……I could handle it. That left me with a choice, which direction would I go. I choose to take the path of positivity and drive, instead of the road of helplessness and pity. I choose and still ride that difficult road, filled with the rough and bumping roads of obstacles, daring me to go off path. I’ve been blessed with a great support system throughout my years and I thank them for helping me stay on course.

If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years is that, Everyone, is important and has a purpose. But (and yes there is a but), it is up to you to figure out what way you will go. The Realization of the Reality, in my opinion, is one of the most important aspects of life. Figuring out and understanding who you are is half the battle, then you have to decide your direction. Who are you and what way will you go?

Much Love!

~ by jcranfill on July 30, 2012.

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