I am back in business!

I apologize for not blogging in the last while, but I have been quite sick……NO I DID NOT HAVE H1N1

For the last 2 weeks, I have had bad chest congestion (probably pneumonia) that I was battling. I went to the doctor and got a 400mg antibiotic, a steriod breathing treatment along with a regular breathing treatment. The doctor did not want to send me to the hospital, so I had to fight it from home. So, for the last 2 weeks, I have been getting chest therapy every 4 hours and the breathing treatments.

What my be just a common cold for a “normal” person can be dangerous for someone with a muscle disease. Whereas everyone else can easily cough and clear their lungs, I don’t have the strength to cough hard enough. This makes for a loooooong process. I have to endure countless days of chest therapy (which kills my ribs!), weakened coughing, and difficulty breathing. Even though all of those are bad, it was not the worst part.

The worst part of being sick was the frustration. I wasn’t frustrated because I was sick, I was frustrated because, why can’t I cough hard enough? Why can’t I get better within a few days? Why am I so tired and give out? That’s Frustrating!

One thing I have learned over the years of ups and downs is that I may not be physically strong, but I am, and have to be  mentally strong! Being mentally strong is what allowed me to fight for 2 weeks and get well. I had to push all the frustration to the side and focus on the goal, which was to get better every day. If I were to have let the frustration consume me, not only would I still be sick, the sickness would get me.

I have regained the majority of my strength back and back to my normal schedule. It was a long 2 weeks, but I made it!

I am human. I was scared. But, I Will NOT BE DEFEATED……..and neither should you!

~ by jcranfill on November 3, 2009.

One Response to “I am back in business!”

  1. hope you feel better Josh, i have so many memories of your gameday speeches in the locker room. hope all is well and i hope we pull another win out friday night.

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